Free parking, free Wi-Fi, free kids playing area!

Apart from essential facilities such as toilets with disabled and wheelchair access and a baby changing area, we also offer free Wi-Fi, a children's playing area, free parking, an ATM, and more! If you’re looking for information on wheelchair access and hire, please click here.

Free car parking at Affinity Sterling Mills Shopping Outlet Village

Free Car Parking

Cash machine at Affinity Sterling Mills Shopping Outlet Village

Cash Machine

Toilet and Baby changing facilities at Affinity Sterling Mills Shopping Outlet Village

Toilets & Baby Changing

Customer car wash at Affinity Sterling Mills Shopping Outlet Village


Bicycle parking bay  at Affinity Sterling Mills Shopping Outlet Village

CyclE Parking Bay

Children's Playpark at Affinity Sterling Mills Shopping Outlet Village

kids Play Park

Lost property office at Affinity Sterling Mills Shopping Outlet Village

Lost Property

Free customer WiFi at Affinity Sterling Mills Shopping Outlet Village





We love being here in the glorious countryside and like to do our bit for the environment. We have a store recycling programme, where we recycle all cardboard, plastic, and paper. Through this programme, we have cut the amount of waste going to landfills by a staggering 80% in the last five years, and we are still looking to improve that.